Redesigning power
dynamics through
domestic space

Panopticons of Convenience (PhD diss. by Nils Ehrenberg)
It is our great pleasure to announce the successful defence of Nils Ehrenberg, the Finnish team member, of his Ph.D.thesis directly dealing with…
Read moreModern city and a little insectivore
Blanka Nyklová introduced her analysis of the world famous children's cartoon Krtek aka Little Mole at the Brno urban studies conference. The…
Read moreThe Leaking Home (Leakage conference panel)
The SmartUp team organised a panel The Leaking Home: Exploring the digital transformation of domestic spaces at the Leakage: Inaugural stsing e.…
Read moreAbout the project
What happens to home when it becomes smart/er? What does “smartness” at home mean? What are the various consequences of home smartening? SMARTUP targets these questions as it explores how digitalisation affects our homes.

Important dates
Start date
1 October 2022
Project duration
36 months
Project budget
€ 1 484 848